High security protection systems provide the highest level of anti-terror protection.
These systems are designed to secure sensitive areas and to protect buildings or persons. Options include retractable, removable and fixed bollards, to road blockers. Compliant with the latest international standards IWA14-1 :2013, PAS68:2013, DOS and ASTM.
Manage, control, secure and protect sensitive sites.
High security solutions are routinely installed to ensure the security of access points to government buildings, ministries, embassies, consulates, nuclear power stations, barracks, military bases, prisons, airports and banks.
Certified crash-tests have demonstrated their ability to meet the 3 following security levels:
K4 (stop one 7.5t truck travelling at 48 km/h)
K8 (stop one 7.5t truck travelling at 64 km/h)
K12 (stop two consecutive 7.5t trucks travelling at 80 km/h)
Looking to install high security protection systems?
Give the team at Automatic Gates and Doors a call for all high security and anti-terror protection systems enquiries and we can assist you.
Phone: (07) 3342 5807 or Email: sales@agad.com.au